The Key Specifications
Coffee: 28g
Water: 350ml
Ratio: 1:12.5
Grind Size: Coarse
Temperature: 95℃
Brew Time: 5:00
The Method
Step 1: Set the water in your kettle to heat to 95℃. If you do not have a thermometer or a kettle with temperature control, boil the water and let it stand for 60 – 90 seconds. Never use boiling water to brew as this burns your coffee grounds and will bring bitter elements into your cup.
Step 2: Tune your grinder to its coarse setting and grind 28 grams of coffee. Drop the coffee grinds into the chamber.
Step 3: Place the setup on a weigh scale and tare it.
Step 4: Start the timer and bloom the coffee by pouring the hot water into the chamber until the scale reads 60g. Make sure all grounds our wet. You can give the grounds a gentle stir with a paddle.
Step 5: When the timer reads 30 – 35 seconds, pour the remaining water until the scale reads 350g. Place the lid on top of the French Press and set it aside for exactly 4 minutes.
Step 6: When the timer reaches around 5:00, you can remove the French Press from the scale, place it on a flat surface and begin plunging. If it’s hard to plunge, your grind size is probably too fine. If it’s too easy to plunge, your grind size is probably too coarse.
Step 7: Once you’ve finished pressing, pour the coffee out into a server or mug immediately. Letting it sit will result in over-extraction.
Step 8: Your coffee is ready to serve! Enjoy!