[ ROAST DAY 28 OCT 2020 ]

Kiri AA Top (Kenya)

from 610.00

  • Producer: Kiri Washing Station
  • Region: Mount Kenya, Kirinyaga
  • Type: 100% Arabica
  • Roast Profile: Filter Roast
  • Altitude: 1450 MASL
  • Process: Washed
  • Varieties: Ruiru 11, SL 28, SL 34, Batian
  • Flavor Notes: Blueberry, Walnut, Concord Grape

We’ve explored several coffee origins around the world but Kenya remains one of our favourites. Producing some of the world’s most exotic tasting coffees, Kenyan lots are renowned for their exhilarating acidity, bright and clear floral and fruit notes with juicy body and pleasant nutty aftertastes. These beans are generally super-dense packing explosive flavours that are easy to bring out in your cup without the need for complex brewing recipes.

Kenya yields a biennial crop with the primary harvest between October and December and the second harvest between June and August. Our lot from the Kiri Washing Station in the Kirinyaga County was harvested in the primary season and arrived in India in February. We have spent over a month profiling it to ensure we deliver a coffee to you that is delicious, juicy, packed with exotic flavours and ready to make your palate explode. Manual brewing methods are best suited for this filter roast with our suggestions being Kalita, V60, Chemex and Aeropress. The coffee will also work as an espresso if you are someone who likes sparkling acidity and tangy, fruity and strong winey notes in your shot (make sure you experiment with grind size as this is a filter roast and it will require some dial-in patience to achieve the ideal shot).

Enjoy notes of blueberries and concord grapes bouncing of a juicy, lingering texture to end with an anti-climactic walnut finish. This coffee is made for all varieties of coffee enthusiasts with diverse preferences and is something you should definitely not miss. Slurp away!

SKU: NAIVO53-1-1 Categories: , , Tag:

The Kiri washing station was established in 1997 and rests on a 5 acres piece of land serving Gitumbi, Kirunyuini, Kerere and Kaboia Villages. Currently it is affiliated to Ngiriambu Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd and it houses the society head office. The Kiri washing station is located in Central Province, Kirinyaga County in Njukiini location of Gichugu Division near Kianyaga town. Its membership currently stands at 1400 of which 1200 are active farmers while 200 are inactive farmers. The area experiences moderate bimodal rainfall of about 1200mm p.a. with temperatures ranging between 13 – 25 degrees. The long rains fall between March-May while the short rains come between October and December. The area experiences a biennial production cycle with the early harvest being from April-June and the late second season being from October-December.

Grind Size

Whole Beans, Turkish, Espresso, Aeropress, Moka Pot, South Indian Filter, Inverted Aeropress, V60 Pourover, Electric Drip Filter, Chemex, French Press, Cold Brew, Channi


100g, 250g, 2x250g

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